class Content(models.Model): content_name = models.CharField(...) group_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(...) volume_number = models.PositiveIntegerField(...) ...
Assuming we have a typical Django model class, we want to search for its instances using a complex SQL query in a single shot. The results should be displayed on a web page, but since many rows are expected, we want to display a paginator.
For instance, in the above model, we might want to list only the instances with the maximum volume_number within the same group_id.
We will use the general django.core.paginator.Paginator for pagination.
contents = Content.objects.filter(...) paginator = Paginator(contents, 100)
By putting a queryset into the first argument, you can paginate it. A list would also work.
Looking at the Paginator code, you can see that it works if slicing and .count() are implemented. .count can also be __len__.
Therefore, you can wrap the list of instances extracted using complex SQL (which cannot be made into a queryset) in a custom class instance that implements slicing and .count(). Slicing has a "step" feature, but it's cumbersome so we won't implement the step. (Step: hoge_sequence[0:100:2] ← the third number in this slice)
Model Class
class Content(models.Model): content_name = models.CharField(...) group_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(...) volume_number = models.PositiveIntegerField(...) ... @classmethod def last_volumes(cls, limit=100, offset=0): """ Method for searching with raw SQL if absolutely necessary Uses objects.raw() to convert to model instances. The SQL is a bit peculiar, but don't mind it. """ sql = """SELECT t1.* FROM ( SELECT * FROM content_content ORDER BY volume_number DESC ) t1 GROUP BY group_id LIMIT %s OFFSET %s """ return cls.objects.raw(sql, params=[limit, offset])
Class for Paginator
class LastContents(object): """ Class to be used with the Paginator. Implements slicing and count() """ def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): # In case of slicing (e.g., instance[0:100]) # Ignore the step! limit = key.stop - key.start return Content.last_volumes( limit=limit, offset=key.start) # In case of getting a single element (e.g., instance[50]) # Not used this time, but return Content.last_volumes(limit=1, offset=key)[0] def count(self): # Implement a method to get the total count return Content.objects.filter(volume_number=1).count()
View Function
# Put the instance of LastContents we just created! paginator = Paginator(LastContents(), 100) # You can paginate. page = page.object_list ...